Special thanks to:

Shila Hadji Heydari Anaraki (mentor),
Fae Felis, Wolfe De Roeck, Liana Geysen-Rymenants, Lara de Weghe, Ine Vanlitsenborghe, Anouk Lacroix, Fieke Buyse

Special thanks to:

Shila Hadji Heydari Anaraki (mentor),
Fae Felis, Wolfe De Roeck, Liana Geysen-Rymenants, Lara de Weghe, Ine Vanlitsenborghe, Anouk Lacroix, Fieke Buyse


This work began with 4 main components that came forward from 4 performative exercises: The colors red and white, the sound of scratching and scrubbing surfaces, self-image both literally and figuratively and Jesus Christ. A few other works have been created during this process, which can both be viewed seperate from this work as well as connected. In the research of the colors red and white the conclusion arose that these are the symbolically contradicting colors of Christianity as red stands for death, hurt, war, anger, sin... and white stands for life, healing, peace, sinlessness... I went on a search to find the perfect red and white on our own planet using Google maps, this resulted in a series of visual work ‘Zonde Rood Zonder Wit’ (Sin Red Sans White) where compositions were created of the red and white I discovered. None of them are actually red or white. Also a collection recordings of scratching sounds was developed ‘Just a Scratch’, which were later also used in the performance as well as another soundtrack used in a try-out. In the aspect of self-image I did and experiment to see how long I could look myself in the eyes through a mirror, together with this a small series of self portraits shot through the mirror was created, ‘LEGEIPS’. The video above ‘Bloedwerk, 10 Geboden’ ( Bloodwork, 10 Commandments) is video documentation of the making of a series of writings in my own blood. Also three drawings in blood were made called ‘Bloedwerk, 3 Staties’. ( Bloodwork, 3 Stations)


All rights reserved ©2023  Jeandré Eli José