This work is a questioning of the perception and the knowledge we think to have about another individual, and the knowledge the other thinks to have about ourselves. Let’s face it, we can’t ever know another person fully. Each individual is so complex in both quality and quantity. The other can only create an image of us according to what information we choose to share and viseversa. Sometimes it takes someone to die before your idea of them is totally smashed because acoording to all the stories of other people baout them, you didn’t know half of it. And even though we would share all our complexities with someone else, they will never process that information like we process it ourselves. It changes meaning, it gets altered, sometimes lost in translation. How can we expect another being to know us when it’s not even humanly possible to ever fully understand ourselves. Based on these ideas of preconceptions, perceptions, assumtions I made multiple characters, faces, bodies, beings... Is it really me? How many people are involved? Are these all photographs or drawings? The sense of reality gets questioned, it becomes an absurd whole and it creates a limbo between reality and fiction.

In it’s original state this was a photo-sound installation ( see below ) with around 166 photographs presentes to the viewer in 4.44min. -> see the video file of the projection on top of the page. Inspired by the Rorschach Test from the 1920’s used in psychiatric facilities to diagnose patients based on there perception and impression of a series of , mostly, symmetrical black inkblots on white paper. They had to say the first thing, image, scene, story... they thought of. 

PRISMA Queer Arts Festival 2022 - Bruges

TIMELESS THINKING while TIME IS TICKING - 15min. On The Clock: a selection of 15 photographs out of this series presented in the traditional and physical way, prints on paper, instead of a photo-sound installation.

Paper: PhotoMatt

CC Zebrastraat Gent - Graduation Exhibition KISP Photography

A photo-sound installation with a curtain out of vinyl-like strips which makes you think of tape recorders, a frontal projection with writings on the side walls in black gouache, a desk with objects displayed that were used in the photographs or in the making of them and a drawer full of prints on thin and fragile printer paper.


All rights reserved ©2023  Jeandré Eli José